Back with lesson seven my favorite chapter talks about something I loved food absolutely Bon appétit offrir/ accepter/ refuser. Pour offrir a manger/ a boire. Tu veux un peu de gateau. Do you want littile bit cake. Off course . cup run aview what do you take or what are you taking. Vouz desirez , do you desire . pour accepter , merci j’aime beaucoup thank you I would very much like .
Du the, s’il vous plait , some tea please . J aimerais du café , I would like some coffee as u can see . pour moi, un jus de fruit , for me just a fruit juice, right my friends . pour refuser something that I never do as for as food or drink is concern . no merci , no thank you. I don’t remember I have some last. Rien , merci nothing thank you . je ne prends rien I am taking nothing ,mersi . lets look at some key word and expression prenez, melangez, faites/ leissez cuire …a a feu doux. Versez bon appétit, beaucoup de… , servez and now look athe recepie for making crepes, pour preparer les crepes. Lets look at the ingredients. Remember keep pincee de sel . I remember told you we have doing for you absolutely , 250 grammes de farine , ½ liter de milk, 50 grammes de butter ohh I m going to fat in dum. A cup of vanilla hers the milk here’s the butter a goutte of vanilla a pich of salt as u can see and a cut 4 eggs absolutely ande ka fanda. So that is receipe we have all ingredient ready lets look take it that we got some flavor , we have some vanilla a sence write in the receipe, we got some milk , we have butter we need for it and we have so some ENO , why we use ENO, YA RAJNA MAM what about the Eggs well that exactly the Eno because we got our speciality sheaf prachi mam here who was jain so we cant use eggs here and use eno place of that. Lets now see how magic works. So yes here we are , lets look at some previous expression and key words as I said that as I am adding a few to them. Ajoutez add , faites chauffer heat , mettez cut , tournez turn and now the method Ajoutez now can see pic the fajute , ajoutez le oefus et le lait la farine add the eges and milk to the flower melangez bien absolutely mix well . melangez to gergoal for une poele. Faites chauffer une poele heats the pan , mettez look at mettez un peu de beurre, put a littile butter. Versez coming from there versez une cuilleree du mélange , yes right pore a spoon full for the mixture leissez cuire in to the pan. let it cook pendant deux for two minutes on a gental flame , tournez la crepe et faites cuire pendant deux minutes yes u can see tournez go there nd cook for two minutes . servez chaud serviette warm or serviette hot yes servez coming from behind avec du beurre ou du chocolat just yes just imagine put in chocolate or chocolate souse ou avec du mile ou de la confiture . one prepare creps of it for Easter infers .on prepare souvent les crepes a paques , en franca. Do not stike on the surface okey . this time to big flick thank you thank you very much . so my dear friends we have done with crepes as you can see you & I going to rockstar . I hope you have enjoyed watching the preparation of the crepes we as a team get it to gether god bless you.
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