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ICSE Grade X Geography Demo Videos

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In this part we should learn some important symbols starting with roads, tanks, temple, huts ,river beds tree, well and forest if you take roads they’re shown in red color lines tanks again Rajasthan has plenty of dry tanks temple huts riverbed, trees well forest coming to different type of roads first one metaled road. metaled Road are also called pakka road this is metal road with a kilo meter stone backtracks these are utilized by donkeys mules they carry loads that’s why they’re called back track car track foot path foot path is shown with the dotted lines bridge again road with the bridge there’s a symbol of this is bridge with a piers as we can see here this is an extract of the certain way of india map that is sheet number 45/d well there are different type of roads. whenever there is a double line red color line it’s a metaled road. single red color lines are all cart tracks well they are motor able in dry season. now what do we understand by this it means that they cannot be crossed by cars or motors during for Rainey season as a ground becomes wet and muddy during cars or motors during for any season as a ground becomes wet and muddy doing rainy season but in the dry season when the ground is hard and dry motor can cross the area. what line is this backtrack. backtrack is shown in red color line but it is big dashes well here we take up two villages siori and pamera what type of road connects village siori and pamera well the answer will be cart track the reason is it is a single line and red color line if i take these two village siori and gulab ganj it would be a metaled road the reason is it’s a double line what type of road connects village singarli and harmatiya the answer would be pack track again because it is a single line and it is dashes know what type of road is this .this is single line but it is not dashes it is dotted well this is a foot path now we will see some more symbols like dry tank a topo map have plenty of dry tank let’s see they’re all we can see dry tank in this map oh we have plenty of dry tanks now these are called dry tanks because water can be seen only during rainy season the rest of the time in the year the tanks a dry tank with an embankment whenever there are lines at the bottom of the tank it will be called a dry tank with an embankment now what is an embankment and embankment is a race bank or a wall that is build to hold back water then a topo map and how plenty of temples especially near villages there will always be plenty of trees in a topo map and they are of two types one ordinary trees which are shown in green color and the other one survey trees which is shown in black color and is accompanied by a certain survey number as here you can see the number 285 well there are two types of well one is lined another one is unlined a line well is a pakka well there will be masonry work in it whereas unlined well is just stuck I mostly in the topo map most of the places you will see lined well unlined well is very rare it’s very less then huts when it comes to huts there are two types permanent huts and temporary huts. And mostly even see a permanent huts but of course in some places you will also see temporary huts coming to a river bed now what you’re seeing here is a riverbed this is a dry river bed the reason is it is Rajasthan where the amount of rainfall is very less and rainfall is seasonal so throughout the year it is dry except their rainy season now there are letters written like 6R what does it mean it refers to a relative depth now relative depth represents the approximate depth in meters between the top and bottom of a slope this is useful in understanding the river or the stream in which direction it flows so based on the flow of the river we can say that the river is moving from west towards east the reason is on one hand we see 5R there is on the other side we see 10R . our so here the depths less there is here the depth is more so we can say water is moving in this direction towards the reservoir. let’s take one more example but before that here we have left bank and the right bank so once we understand the flow of the river we also understand the left bank and the right bank now under the example that is starting from 3R to 6R here the flow will be in this direction so the left bank and the right bank will also change with this we conclude this module children..

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