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7 Study Apps for High School Students

The advancement in technology has helped in improving the learning and teaching ways. There are a number of apps which provides detailed, notes, flashcards, practice paper, quizzes, and other materials to prepare students for the board exams and competitive exams. Here we present to you the 7 study apps for high school students

1. SimpleMind – iOS/Android, Free

This is the students’ app which allows students to create their mind maps. The students can organize their thoughts and remember things to create ideas. The free layout allows the students to generate their own ideas


  • Analyze thoughts and structure them
  • Create mind maps and organize your thoughts
  • Remember things
  • Generate new ideas
  • Multiple mind maps in a single page
  • Unlimited page and size without any limit on the elements

2. GoConqr – Android/iOS/Web, Free

This online platform allows students to come together and promotes digital learning. The platform is suitable for both students and educators giving the students learning tools with the help of an active community.


  • Access great learning resources like Mind Maps, Flashcards, Quizzes, Slides and Notes
  • Social learning
  • Active learning community
  • Development of notes and sharing of notes on the platform

3. Oxford Dictionary – Android/iOS, Free

Oxford Dictionary is one the most widely used dictionary by all professionals, students, and academics. The mobile version of the Oxford University Press’ Oxford English Dictionary is quite comprehensive and allows usage f the dictionary at one’s convenience whenever is required.


  • Advanced search and language tools
  • User-friendly mobile version
  • Can be used anytime and anywhere

4. Evernote – Android/iOS/Web, Free

Evernote helps students to make notes for each subject and store it as different notebooks and make a to-do list giving you reminders about the study material to be studied. This app allows you to store in the form of images, web-page clippings, videos, and audio recordings.


  • The notes can be captured as scan and stored as a notebook
  • The tool allows notes to be used in a format as audio file, web clip, text meeting or handwritten
  • Make a to-do list
  • Mark the task as complete

5. StudyBlue – Android/iOS, Free

This student-friendly app allows easy access to the notes and important points (flashcards). It is especially useful for students who can immediately review the chapter just before entering the exam hall. This app is specifically useful for the students who want a comprehensive review of the chapter. The app allows students to copy paste the text and makes notes. Saving time students time from typing.


  • Allows users to upload class study materials
  • Create electronic flashcards to study and share with others,
  • Practice Quizzes
  • Saves time

6. Studious: Andriod

This app helps students to plan their daily study schedule and prepare for the exams. It helps in improving the punctuality for doing homework and projects. The timetable can be created in the app in a user-friendly way.


  • The app occupies only a small phone memory
  • Easy to understand and prepare the timetable
  • Good view of the timetable
  • Send a reminder of the homework and the tests
  • Saves note

7. Robomate+: Andriod

This app provides notes for all high-class subjects which will help students prepare for the competitive exams such as JEE Main, JEE Advanced, CA CPT, CET and board exams such as CBSE & ICSE (Class 9 and Class 10) and FYBCom Mumbai University and HSC Science(Class 11 and Class 12). This online education platform helps students to sharpen their skills for board exams and also competitive exams.


  • Self-explaining videos
  • Adaptive learning
  • Collaborative learning

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2018-11-12T07:19:31+00:00 Categories: Blog, Parents, Students, Teachers|0 Comments
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