

How to Score Good Marks in Maharashtra SSC Board Exams

2019-03-04T14:19:38+00:00 Categories: Blog, Parents, SSC, Students|Tags: |

Maharashtra SSC Board Exams are here. However, not many students jump with joy at this news. But it also does not mean students have to despair or get distressed. Whatever stage your preparations are you can still organize yourself to get better marks.

Organize Yourself

This, of course, is not the time to panic. It is rather […]

8 Reasons Why Students Lack Interest in Studies

2017-11-21T11:45:54+00:00 Categories: Blog, Parents, Students|Tags: , |

Albert Einstein said, “Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school”.

If you pay complete attention and study something with interest then you will retain that information forever. Forceful enrollment in colleges and schools where students half-heartedly attend classes will not do them much good. Hence, it is very important […]

How to Control Your Child’s Smartphone Addiction

2017-11-15T15:21:48+00:00 Categories: Blog, Parents, Students|Tags: , |

If you are a modern generation parent, then you would be definitely suffering from this dilemma of whether to give your child a smart phone or not, or at what age to buy them a smart phone. What with the rising death tolls among children who have been indulging in playing violent games in smart […]

Maharashtra State Board SSC 2020 Class 10 Exam Time Table Released

2019-10-18T13:28:13+00:00 Categories: Blog, SSC|Tags: |

The Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education is situated in Pune. They have recently released the time-table for board exams (for class 10th). Candidates for Secondary School Certificate (SSC) Exam can see the detailed time-table for the SSC Time Table 2020 Maharashtra Board Exam below.

The exams will be conducted in March, 2020 for SSC […]

Maharashtra Board HSC Class 12 Exam Time Table Released

2019-10-23T06:30:03+00:00 Categories: Blog, hsc commerce|

There is always intense anxiety involved with Maharashtra Board HSC Class 12 Exam. So, if you know the dates of the exam in advance, it helps you focus better for the D-day!

The Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education (MSBSHSE) has thus released the entire Maharashtra Board HSC Class 12 Exam Time Table that […]

JEE Advanced 2018: IIT Kanpur to conduct exam on May 20

2017-09-22T10:23:48+00:00 Categories: Blog, JEE|Tags: , |

JEE Advanced 2018

2.21 lakh candidates are qualified for JEE Advanced 2018 of 11 lakh candidates who took the JEE Main this year. Admission for engineering courses in government colleges, NITs, IITs, and IITs are conducted through JEE (Joint Entrance Examination) which is conducted in two phases. JEE Advanced 2018 is carried out by IIT […]

Common Myths and Misconceptions About Learning Debunked

2017-09-22T10:26:36+00:00 Categories: Blog, Parents, Students|Tags: , , , , |

We all perhaps agree that learning is a stepping stone to enhancing our knowledge, isn’t it? We keep learning throughout our lives, some via formal learning systems and a lot more from day-to-day on-the-job activities.

Children and adults believe certain practices can help them learn better. There seem to be fool-proof and proven age-old concepts on […]

Blind from birth but that didn’t stop him

2017-09-21T11:44:04+00:00 Categories: Blog|

We all have limitations and are always trying to overcome them in our own ways. Then, there are others who have bigger challenges than we ever can imagine, and yet through sheer grit and determination they are able to not only overcome their limitations but also shine brightly. Do we ever pause to think how […]

New in College! What to look forward to?

2017-09-21T11:48:06+00:00 Categories: Blog, Parents, Students|Tags: |

So now you have successfully completed school and are raring to join college! There may be mixed feelings of excitement, anxiety, curiosity and eagerness to experience a whole new way of education? Understandably so!

There is a world of difference in school and college. Some good and some even better! As your cross this threshold, here […]

Why Learners Forget Information and How to Remember What We Learned?

2018-08-31T12:53:01+00:00 Categories: Blog, Parents, Students, Teachers|Tags: , |

Our Brain is an organ that is taken for granted to retain as much information as possible. However, our brain also forgets. To explain how fast or slow the brain tends to forget information researchers refer to what is called – the forgetting curve.

What is the forgetting curve?

The forgetting curve is a graph of data […]

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