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CA IPCC Strategic Analysis Module 5

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Bacchalog, SWOT analysis strength and weaknesses within the organization, opportunities and threats outside the organization. Now here we have functional level strategy, it is directed at improving the effectiveness of the operations within an organization, such manufacturing, marketing, material management, customer service, etc and business level strategy here different positioning strategies can be used in different industry settings, example cost leadership, differentiation, etc. Corporate level strategy, it is directed gaining a competitive advantage and maximizing the long run profitability of the organization. Global strategy addressing how to expand operations outside the home country to grow and prosper in a world where competitiveness advantage is determined as a global level. Now lets see the strengths, company strengths, inherent and completive strength. Weaknesses inherent limitations right all your constraints and deficiencies. Opportunities, favorable situations in the environment right to strengthen position and in threat all your unfavorable situation which causes risk or damage to a position. So bacchalog, this becomes a SWOT. Now importance of SWOT, it provides logical framework. It presents a comparative account. It guides the strategist in strategic identification or it helps in identifying a strategy properly. It helps to craft proper business model. Now SWOT analysis, first we gone see strength potentials, strengths, the valuable skills and experience, strong financial conditions.

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