
About Robomate_Plus

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So far Robomate_Plus has created 256 blog entries.

    5 Tips for Answering Multiple Choice Questions Easily

    2017-11-30T10:57:20+00:00 Categories: Blog, Parents, Students|Tags: , , |

    Since most of the entrance exam patterns give you Multiple Choice Questions, you need some tips for answering Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). While some of the questions are real easy, some of them are designed to confuse you, with similar options. Writing essay questions are easier when you know the answer, but MCQs are the […]

      Defining Your Fears instead of Your Goals

      2017-11-21T13:05:54+00:00 Categories: Blog, Parents, Students|

      Face your Fears

      To overcome your fear, you must know of them first. Defining your fears is very important before you plan to get rid of them. Remember, your fears will always get in your way, if you do not even try to overcome them. The very next step would be to attempt to face your […]

        5 Best Parenting Books For Parents of Teenagers

        2019-11-15T13:44:27+00:00 Categories: Blog, Parents|Tags: |

        Parenting is no easy job, especially when your little kids turn into teenagers. The teen age can be a rough period for both the kids as well as parents since both the parties have a tough time stepping into each other`s shoes. Even though their behavioral change is totally hormonal in that age, parental guidance […]

          How to Score Good Marks in Maharashtra SSC Board Exams

          2019-03-04T14:19:38+00:00 Categories: Blog, Parents, SSC, Students|Tags: |

          Maharashtra SSC Board Exams are here. However, not many students jump with joy at this news. But it also does not mean students have to despair or get distressed. Whatever stage your preparations are you can still organize yourself to get better marks.

          Organize Yourself

          This, of course, is not the time to panic. It is rather […]

            8 Reasons Why Students Lack Interest in Studies

            2017-11-21T11:45:54+00:00 Categories: Blog, Parents, Students|Tags: , |

            Albert Einstein said, “Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school”.

            If you pay complete attention and study something with interest then you will retain that information forever. Forceful enrollment in colleges and schools where students half-heartedly attend classes will not do them much good. Hence, it is very important […]

              How to Control Your Child’s Smartphone Addiction

              2017-11-15T15:21:48+00:00 Categories: Blog, Parents, Students|Tags: , |

              If you are a modern generation parent, then you would be definitely suffering from this dilemma of whether to give your child a smart phone or not, or at what age to buy them a smart phone. What with the rising death tolls among children who have been indulging in playing violent games in smart […]

                Common Myths and Misconceptions About Learning Debunked

                2017-09-22T10:26:36+00:00 Categories: Blog, Parents, Students|Tags: , , , , |

                We all perhaps agree that learning is a stepping stone to enhancing our knowledge, isn’t it? We keep learning throughout our lives, some via formal learning systems and a lot more from day-to-day on-the-job activities.

                Children and adults believe certain practices can help them learn better. There seem to be fool-proof and proven age-old concepts on […]

                  New in College! What to look forward to?

                  2017-09-21T11:48:06+00:00 Categories: Blog, Parents, Students|Tags: |

                  So now you have successfully completed school and are raring to join college! There may be mixed feelings of excitement, anxiety, curiosity and eagerness to experience a whole new way of education? Understandably so!

                  There is a world of difference in school and college. Some good and some even better! As your cross this threshold, here […]

                    Why Learners Forget Information and How to Remember What We Learned?

                    2018-08-31T12:53:01+00:00 Categories: Blog, Parents, Students, Teachers|Tags: , |

                    Our Brain is an organ that is taken for granted to retain as much information as possible. However, our brain also forgets. To explain how fast or slow the brain tends to forget information researchers refer to what is called – the forgetting curve.

                    What is the forgetting curve?

                    The forgetting curve is a graph of data […]

                      Things you will miss about school when you go to college

                      2017-08-24T10:23:58+00:00 Categories: Blog, Students|Tags: |

                      While college is all about freedom and excitement, school-life has its very own charms. Our school life is the longest stretch of our academic life. Other than your childhood bum-chums, here are a list of things that you would dearly miss when you leave school and join college.

                      Morning prayers

                      “Dear God, Thanks for another beautiful […]

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