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BITS /BITSAT 2019 – Eligibility Criteria, Exam Date, Application Form, Syllabus, Results

2019-01-02T14:02:52+00:00 Categories: Engineering|

BITSAT 2019: BITS, Pilani will temporarily host BITSAT 2019 during the third week of May in online mode. From the fourth week of March, candidates will be able to reserve their place for BITSAT 2019. Once the reservation is finalized, they can download their BITSAT 2019 ticket. Applicants who wish to be admitted to the […]

    Happy Engineer’s Day in India

    2020-09-15T08:07:46+00:00 Categories: Blog, Engineering|Tags: |


    Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya was born on 15 September 1861. He was a prominent Indian engineer, scholar and statesman. He graduated from University of Madras in Bachelor of Arts (BA). He also pursued civil engineering from College of Science in Pune.  Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya passed away in 1962. Happy Engineers day in India is celebrated on […]

      All You Want to know About Agricultural and Food Engineering

      2018-12-18T13:09:30+00:00 Categories: Blog, Engineering|

      What is agricultural and food engineering?

      Agricultural and food engineering is a multidisciplinary branch of learning that combines microbiology, science and engineering education. The field includes activities like food processing, product packaging, ingredient manufacturing and control.  An agriculture and food engineer employs innovative and advanced technologies to increase crop yield and helps the food industry by […]

        All you want to know about Aerospace Engineering

        2018-12-18T13:31:30+00:00 Categories: Blog, Engineering|Tags: |

        What is Aerospace Engineering?

        Aerospace is a branch of Engineering that deals with designing and building those machines that fly. This is one of the latest branches of engineering involves the designing of Aircraft, Gliders, Jet Planes, and Helicopters as well. Aerospace Engineering also includes the design and development of Spacecraft. Students of Aerospace Engineering usually […]

          Types of Engineering Careers in India

          2018-12-18T13:06:44+00:00 Categories: Blog, Engineering|Tags: |

          The engineering sector is one of the popular fields among the students. You’ll have heard that engineering career is a constant love affair between men and their machines. Engineering Graduates have numerous job opportunities available and their career path is based on the field of their interests where they’re interested to work. Some engineering branches […]

            Types of Engineering Courses in IIT

            2018-05-30T15:26:47+00:00 Categories: Blog, Engineering|Tags: , |

            IITs and the Subjects they Offer

            IIT stands for The Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs). It is an autonomous public institute providing education for students in India. It is governed by the Institutes of Technology Act, 1961. Admission into IITs across India for undergraduate admissions is done through Joint Entrance Examination – Advanced (JEE Advanced). The […]

              Difference Between IITs and Other Engineering Colleges

              2018-05-24T08:02:12+00:00 Categories: Blog, Engineering|


              Though there are numerous institutions all across India which provide engineering degree, the IIT tag is quite reputed as the highest standard of education in India for engineering. IIT is a group of engineering institutes, 23 in number, as of 2018, created under the Institutes of Technology Act, 1961 and centrally funded.

              In this article, we […]

                5 TOP Engineering colleges in India that are NOT IIT

                2018-05-17T09:46:43+00:00 Categories: Blog, Engineering, JEE MAIN, Parents, Students|Tags: |

                Engineering is one of the most favorite career options today’s youth is choosing after intermediate. Though the IITs have gained national fame, getting through the entrance exams for them requires rigorous hard work. Since the past decade, there are many private and deemed universities that offer engineering courses that are claimed to be even better […]

                  Tips and Tricks to Crack VITEEE 2018 in 15 days

                  2018-03-22T15:08:02+00:00 Categories: Blog, Engineering|Tags: , |

                  VITEEE is an Engineering Entrance Examination conducted by Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), Vellore, one of the prestigious engineering colleges in India. Each year around 2-3 lac candidates appear for VITEEE 2018 to secure a seat in VIT. You might be wondering that if I would be able to make it into the top to […]

                    JEE Main Result 2017

                    2017-07-27T13:41:55+00:00 Categories: Engineering|

                    CBSE has been announced the result of JEE Main 2017 on April 27. All of the applicants who participate in the engineering entrance examination can access their result in online mode. The scores of the applicants has been published in JEE Main 2017 result. The status of those applicants who have qualified for the second […]

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