

    Online Studies App – 5 Advantages and Disadvantages

    2020-09-02T16:38:32+00:00 Categories: Blog|Tags: , , |

    During this unprecedented crisis of Covid 19 Lockdown, everyone has been inconvenienced regarding work. The business, the salaried and waged and the student. The school going student has been thrown into the world of online learning, an uncharted territory not only for the child, but also for the parent. During a time like […]

      CA Intermediate Course Details, Syllabus, Exam Dates for May 2020, Exam Pattern,Time Table, Eligibility Criteria

      2020-08-31T12:23:29+00:00 Categories: Blog, CA, CA INTER|Tags: , |

      What is CA Intermediate Exam?

      CA Intermediate is the second stage of the CA curriculum, after CA Foundation. This is for Class 12 Commerce students (HSC Commerce). If you’ve done your Bachelor of Commerce, then you can attempt CA Intermediate directly and skip the CA Foundation Exam.

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        Detailed Commerce Subjects List in Class 11

        2019-11-04T11:09:46+00:00 Categories: Blog, hsc commerce, Students|Tags: , , , , , |

        Commerce can be defined as the exchange of goods and services. It includes business activities from production to the final consumer. Commerce has been trending as one of the most opted subjects by students after class X as it offers lucrative jobs after graduation. In order to select commerce as a subject in class XI, […]

          Learning and Understanding Better with ADEPT

          2019-11-01T11:04:43+00:00 Categories: Blog, Parents, Students, Teachers|Tags: , , , |

          Learning is the most important aspect of education. Every student has his own caliber of reading and understanding. A number of techniques have been developed to help improve students’ learning experience. ADEPT is one such technique which is widely used by the students for a better understanding of difficult concepts. ADEPT is an acronym for Analogy, Diagram, […]

            Montessori, Waldorf and the Reggio philosophies in teaching and learning

            2019-11-01T13:42:50+00:00 Categories: Blog, Parents, Students, Teachers|

            A child’s brain is designed to learn and develop. Children should be given sufficient space to explore the space, environment, and opportunity. Early childhood education centers such as daycare, play school or preschool are aimed at identifying the potential skills of the children in a play-way method. They will be given an opportunity to analyze […]

              10 Jobs in Science You May See In The Future

              2020-05-12T07:58:32+00:00 Categories: Blog, Parents, Students, Teachers|

              Career selection is an important aspect of life. It is not something that can be achieved overnight and changed as per the moods or requirement. Your qualification will define your area of work and the expected pay scale. It is important for students to understand that field selection is critical for career growth. As per […]

                Different Types of Parenting Styles

                2019-11-15T13:51:09+00:00 Categories: Blog, Parents, Students, Teachers|Tags: , , , , , |

                Parents play a crucial role in a child’s education. Their influence plays a vital part in the growth and overall development of the children. Strict and conservative parenting makes it difficult to deal with children’s nature, the child will be afraid to share their emotions and requirements. This affects their overall growth and performance. Liberal […]

                  Video Games & TV Addiction – How to Break it?

                  2019-03-06T10:34:58+00:00 Categories: Blog, Parents, Students|Tags: , |

                  It is a common sight to see children playing with video game on gadgets such as mobile phone, tablets, laptops, desktops, etc. Parents initially feel excited to see their children handling gadgets with ease. Early access to gadgets will slowly become their addiction and once the children learn the handling of the technology, the way […]

                    Vikram Sarabhai and His Contributions to Science in India

                    2019-01-30T14:51:52+00:00 Categories: Blog|Tags: , |

                    Vikram Ambalal Sarabhai is popularly known as Vikram Sarabhai. is a renowned Indian physicist and industrialist. Dr. Sarabhai’s contributions in space research gave him recognition as the Father of the Indian space program. He was the innovator and creator of a number of institutions in the varied fields including but not limited to space, nuclear […]

                      Prepare JEE Main Exam 2020 & Board Exam Simultaneously

                      2019-12-17T11:42:43+00:00 Categories: Blog, JEE MAIN, Students|Tags: , , |

                      JEE Main Exam and Class XII Exam is one of the main phases of students’ life. The stage calls for the end of school life and also about your future profession. Students tend to ignore board exams and concentrate on the competitive exams to seek admission into the engineering branch of their choice in a […]

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