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    CA Intermediate Course Details, Syllabus, Exam Dates for May 2020, Exam Pattern,Time Table, Eligibility Criteria

    2020-08-31T12:23:29+00:00 Categories: Blog, CA, CA INTER|Tags: , |

    What is CA Intermediate Exam?

    CA Intermediate is the second stage of the CA curriculum, after CA Foundation. This is for Class 12 Commerce students (HSC Commerce). If you’ve done your Bachelor of Commerce, then you can attempt CA Intermediate directly and skip the CA Foundation Exam.

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      How to Prepare for CA IPCC in 30 Days

      2018-04-09T16:14:46+00:00 Categories: Blog, CA INTER|Tags: |

      CA is a tough nut to crack! In CA, consistency is the key to success! Although this applies to all exam preparations, CA IPCC preparation in 30 days is a challenging task. The CA IPCC syllabus is huge and you need to approach it meticulously and strategically.

      You need to […]

        CA IPCC, Reaching Strategic Edge, Module 6

        2017-04-18T04:57:28+00:00 Categories: CA - IPCC Video Lecture|Tags: , , |

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        Bacha log, we come to the last module, E-commerce, internet, right. How it has impact on
        the business.
        The internet is an integrated network of banks of servers and high-speed computers, digital
        switches and routers, telecommunications equipment and lines and individual uses
        computers. The backbone of internet consists of telecommunication […]

          CA IPCC, Reaching Strategic Edge, Module 5

          2017-04-18T04:57:29+00:00 Categories: CA - IPCC Video Lecture|Tags: , , |

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          Bacha log, Six Sigma. It means quality, quality and quality. The top order, the best of the best
          quality, defect free. Primarily Six Sigma means maintenance of the desired quality in
          processes and end product. It means taking systematic and integrated effort towards
          improving quality and reducing cost. It is a […]

            CA IPCC, Strategy Implementation And Control, Module 3

            2017-04-18T04:57:30+00:00 Categories: CA - IPCC Video Lecture|Tags: , , |

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            Bacha log, this Module we will see the importance of structure in strategy implementation.
            Now changes in strategy often require changes in the way an organisation is structured,
            right. There are two main reasons, structure largely dictates how objectives and policies will
            be established. Example, objectives and policies established […]

              CA IPCC, Strategy Implementation And Control, Module 2

              2017-04-18T04:57:30+00:00 Categories: CA - IPCC Video Lecture|Tags: , , |

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              Bacha log, herein we are going to see the distinguish between Formulation and
              Implementation, right, that is Strategy Formulation, the positioning forces before the action.
              That is the format. Implemented, is maintaining forces during the action.
              Second, strategy formulation forces on effectiveness, whereas implementation on
              efficiency, remember, bacha log. Formulation is primarily […]

                CA IPCC, Strategy Implementation And Control, Module 1

                2017-04-18T04:57:30+00:00 Categories: CA - IPCC Video Lecture|Tags: , , |

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                Hi, Bacha log, in this chapter we are going to see Strategy Implementation and Control. In
                the previous chapter we had seen formulation of functional strategy and here
                implementation, right.
                So here we can see on the X axis we have Strategy Implementation and on the Y axis we
                have Strategy Formulation. […]

                  CA IPCC, Formation Of Functional Strategy, Module 11

                  2017-04-18T04:57:31+00:00 Categories: CA - IPCC Video Lecture|Tags: , , |

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                  Bacha log in this Module we are going to see HR and Strategy. Human Resource
                  Management Strategy, very, very important for all the organisations. Now HR resource
                  strategy of business should reflect and support the corporate strategy. An effective human
                  resource strategy includes the way in which the organisation […]

                    CA IPCC, Formation Of Functional Strategy, Module 9

                    2017-04-18T04:57:31+00:00 Categories: CA - IPCC Video Lecture|Tags: , , |

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                    Research and Development in this particular Module. These people or this personnel can
                    play an integral part in strategy implementation. These individuals are generally charged
                    with developing new products and improving old products. Companies in virtually every
                    industry are relying on the development of new products and services to […]

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